Conquering Your Past Fears: Embrace a Brighter Future
Show Notes
Do you let past experiences dictate your future? If you do, you're not alone. Lots of people allow the experiences they had in the past to direct and define their experiences of the future. And quite often, this results in a fear that stops you from making the incredible gains you could otherwise have made in life.
In this episode, we're going to conquer your past fears so that you can have a brighter future. For those of you that might be thinking, well, I've never had a bad experience in my life, Uh, I assure you that you have. Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about here. You see a beautiful woman that you're very attracted to and you would like to ask her out.
You go up to her and you try to talk to her and she runs away. Now, of course, this leads you to believe that attractive women don't want to talk to you. Which is not the case. This is how our brains automatically connect a series of events in a way that is designed to protect us from harm, or in this case, the pain of being rejected.
By the way, she wasn't running away from you. Her friend had just called her and told her she had arrived at the wrong restaurant, and now she's gotta go catch a cab. So you can see how even our perception of the situation can be wrong. And then we go and frame all our future experiences using this inaccurate perception.
Our brains are wired to protect us from repeating negative experiences. Whether that be with relationships, Money, maybe you got turned down for a promotion at your job or whatever. When we let those past experiences dictate how we live our lives, we end up living from a standpoint of fear. We never get to experience the incredible things that could have happened because we're too afraid of the negative things that might have happened in the past happening again.
Train your mind to let go of negative experiences. Consciously choose to not remember them. Instead, recognize that this one negative experience that you had is not the rule by which to judge all future experiences that are similar. You might go up and ask that person out and instead of running away from you, they actually say yes this time.
Give yourself permission to try again. Don't let past negative experiences frame similar future experiences. Don't let the fear of repeating something from the past stop you from trying again in the future. Give yourself permission to fail at something, but then give yourself permission to try again.
Choose to live free from fear and embrace the life of new experiences. If you're having a little bit of trouble overcoming these fears, I do work with my clients one on one to get them through these hurdles. And if you're interested in becoming one of those clients, you can go ahead and do so using the link in the description below.
And that's tip for this week. If you like the tips you hear on the show, then don't forget to like, subscribe, follow, share with your friends, and leave a comment. If you're listening to this on podcast, then please be sure to leave a five star review and comment. That's how you can help the show to grow.
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